Regular Flags
Flag 0 - UNK
Flag 1 - UNK
Flag 2 - UNK
Flag 3 - UNK
Flag 4 - UNK
Flag 5 - UNK
Flag 6 - UNK
Flag 7 - Static objects will cast shadows
Flag 8 - Dynamic objects will cast shadows [Including Players]
Flag 9 - The light will change it's color and intensity depending on the time of day. Acts as a fake sun light. Will disable when there is no sun light.
Flag 10 - Electrical Humming
Flag 11 - Eletrical Humming [With Sound]
Flag 12 - Lights will have a volumetric cone casted. Use the 'Light Volume' section in GIMS Evo to control this.
Flag 13 - Light will not cast any reflections [Disables specularity]
Flag 14 - UNK
Flag 15 - Disables the light
Flag 16 - UNK
Flag 17 - Invisible Corona
Flag 18 - Enables Cuiling Plane
Time Flags
Flag 0 - 00:00
Flag 1 - 01:00
Flag 2 - 02:00
Flag 3 - 03:00
Flag 4 - 04:00
Flag 5 - 05:00
Flag 6 - 06:00
Flag 7 - 07:00
Flag 8 - 08:00
Flag 9 - 09:00
Flag 10 - 10:00
Flag 11 - 11:00
Flag 12 - 12:00
Flag 13 - 13:00
Flag 14 - 14:00
Flag 15 - 15:00
Flag 16 - 16:00
Flag 17 - 17:00
Flag 18 - 18:00
Flag 19 - 19:00
Flag 20 - 20:00
Flag 21 - 21:00
Flag 22 - 22:00
Flag 23 - 23:00
Flag 24 - 24/7